14 Apr

Work has begun on the gardens at the front of Woodside flats to give them a much needed facelift and repair old, worn out and broken features such as the raised flower bed.

The area had been cordoned off due to the risk to residents and the unsightly state of the area. Work continues to be completed by a resident of Nocton Park (John) who is completing the work at no expense to the Flats or Park residents. John has donated all of his time as well as all of the materials used free of charge. The Directors would like to thank John for all of his hard work.

Should anyone wish to help and be able to donate time and or materials please contact NPML on enquiries@noctonpark.co.uk

The lawn has been reseeded and bulbs planted in the flower bed. We hope that come summer the area will look beautiful!

The end result of John's hard work. 

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