
Resignation of Ms Victoria Hewson from the Board of NPML

Message from one our Directors, Victoria Hewson. Unfortunately due to personal and work commitments, I feel I am no longer able to provide the time needed to properly fulfil my role as a director for NPML. I will continue to offer support wherever possible, just not from a director position. Thank you to Kenny and Simon for all their support during my short time as a director. I highly encourage anyone who can spare a bit of time each week and who has the best interest of the park in mind to apply for the position, there are lots of important projects in progress, and as much time, opinions and experience is needed from others to ensure these run smoothly. Thank you to everyone who has shown their support and to all the residents I've recently met.

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Significant damage on the allotments

The Board is very disappointed and sad to announce to the community that there has been considerable damage inflicted on the allotments over the last few days - including four Christmas trees being cut down which were going to be donated to various charity groups in Nocton this Christmas. The matter is being reported to the Police and any evidence of the culprits will be passed to the authorities including any CCTV or camera footage. The Board asks if anyone knows anything about this criminal damage they report to the Police urgently.

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Large broken tree branch near play equipment

Please can the community note that the Board have attended to and resolved the issue with the large tree brach which broke near the play ground equipment. The branch has been removed and the wood is now near the brambles if anyone wishes to claim this for any firewood purposes.

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Amenity Land - polite request

Dear residents We have been made aware of several issues on the allotment land, including harassment of other residents and criminal behaviour (vandalism, theft). Please note that the board does not stand for this behaviour, and it has no place within Nocton Park. We understand the frustrations some may be feeling, but this behaviour is not appropriate. All residents can use any designated public right of way through any land including the allotment areas. If you witness or experience any criminal behaviour, please contact the police on the 101 non-emergency line, or 999 for urgent cases.

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Update on the Managing Agent - message from the Board

Dear all, We thought it would be best to make you aware that the contract of the managing agent (Mr Baxter) has been extended until April 2025, we understand this may not be the news some residents want to hear, however this decision was not taken lightly. We believe the temporary contract extension will be to the benefit of the park due to the following reasons: 1. As new directors, we have very little experience and knowledge in a role like this, therefore we are relying on Mr Baxter's experience and knowledge of the park while we learn the ins and outs of the role 2. Several managing agents have been contacted, including agents that have worked with NPML previously, these candidates would have been ideal as they would be able to fill the knowledge and experience gaps we are lacking, however these managing agents did not want to accept the role due to historical issues 3. The work on the flats needs completing, hiring a new managing agent would likely cause the completion of this work to drag on further as the new agent would need time to settle into the role and learn the history of the works required, whereas Mr Baxter is fully aware of the requirements and processes needed 4. With only joining the board very recently, this gave very limited time to find a managing agent who would be suitable for the role before Mr Baxter's contract end date, we didn't want to rush the process of hiring a new agent, this contract extension allows us time to find a managing agent that would be best for the community, instead of the first person to agree to the contract and potentially face further issues With our working schedules, we only have very limited time we can offer the company, therefore we are kindly asking if any residents can offer any time (even just an hour a week), please think of applying to become a director of NPML. The more directors on the board, the more we can achieve and improve our community. If you have any suggestions for managing agents, please send these to enquiries@noctonpark.co.uk. Kind regards, Victoria Hewson and Kenny Mabbott

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Weed spraying on roads in Nocton Park

Please note weed spraying is anticipated to be undertaken on the morning of Monday the 5th August (weather dependent), it would be greatly appreciated if residents could move any parked cars away from the curbs and off the parking bays to ensure we get the full benefit of the weed spraying. The contractor has advised that pets and children should be kept out of the treated areas during the spraying and two hours after, this allows plenty of time for the spray to dry. The areas to be treated include: -Rostrop Road -Wegberg Road -Khormaskar Drive -Holly Close -Fayid Lane -Akrotiri Square -Steamer Point Road -Nocton Park (including the play area, tennis courts, goal posts and borders) We apologise for the short notice of this request, however we needed to ensure the weather forecast showed perfect conditions to get the best results. If the forecast changes, this work may need to be rescheduled, however this will be communicated. Thank you again for your cooperation.'

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Works on Nocton Park including roads

The Board wishes to state the following: "We are in the process of retrieving quotes from contractors for the work on the roads, currently the quotes we have received are more than anticipated and would not be covered by the budget remaining for this year, I understand this is not the news you were hoping for, however we will revisit this issue in the new year when the new directors have had more time to settle themselves into the role and have set out an action plan to deal with the issues raised on Nocton Park."

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Pot hole repair and Khormaksar Drive parking area

The Board just wanted to confirm that the pot holes on the various roads on Nocton Park was undertaken yesterday (25 July) and it is hoped that these will stop any safety issue for pedestrians, cyclists and road users in general. The Board notes that the contractor placed some left over tarmac on the parking area on Khormaksar Drive. This was not discussed with the contractor and the Board will be making a decision in due course what to undertake on this area.

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Pot Holes and Roads Repair - 25 July 2024

On behalf of the Board I wanted to update the community that as part of the overall works programme for 2024, we are having some work undertaken on the pot holes on the worst affected roads in NP. The roads being worked upon are: Habbaniyia Rise Wegberg Road Steamer Point Road The works are being done on THURSDAY 25 JULY 2024 (hopefully in the morning). They have assured us that access will be not be prohibited all they do ask if use can be limited and that cars are not parked on areas of the road that have pot holes that will be work ed upon. They are repairing the more serious holes that need repairs. The work is being done by Halliwell's who have done work on Nocton Park before. The areas are: Approx 3 sq m [Habbaniya Rise] Approx 8 sq m [Wegberg Road] Approx 16 sq m [Steamer Point Road] Any questions on the works being done, please let NPML know.

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New Director to the Board - Miss Victoria Hewson

The Board of Directors of NPML is pleased to announce the appointment of Miss VICTORIA HEWSON to the Board of NPML through co-option. Miss Hewson's appointment will be presented to the shareholders for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for the summer of 2024. Miss Hewson has been a resident of Nocton Park for many years and thus knows the area well. She is committed to serving the community, managing the resources and to support and carry on the work of the Board on improving the community areas.

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New Director to the Board - Mr Kenny Mabbott

The Board of Directors of NPML is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. KENNY MABBOTT to the Board of NPML through co-option. Mr. Mabbott's appointment will be presented to the shareholders for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for the summer of 2024. Mr. Mabbott, a resident of Nocton Park, has expressed his willingness to dedicate his time and efforts to the Board and to serve his local community, with the aim of contributing to the overall improvement of Nocton Park.

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Litter and damage to the amenity area trees

Dear all community, We have recently noticed an increase in litter left in the amenity area, as well as several branches that appear to have been deliberately broken. Additionally, a rope swing was tied to one of the large trees. The Board understands that the amenity area is an attractive spot for the community, especially for children wishing to play. However, we respectfully ask all users to ensure they do not leave any litter behind as this is not only an environmental concern but also a potential safety hazard for other community members and local wildlife. Regarding the rope swing; the Board requests that no swings be attached to the trees in the amenity area. Doing so can damage the trees and pose serious safety risks to both the users of the swing and others who may come into contact with it. Thank you for your understanding and support. Regards, Board of Directors

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Rules and Regulations Section 20.7 Land Agreement

Please note all members of the community of Nocton Park: Under section 20.7 of the agreement between Peter Sowerby Developments and Nocton Park Management Ltd, all successors to the transfer (thus any properties that PS built) must be in "...compliance with and observance of the rules and regulations in respect of the Amenity Land from time to time published by NPML..". Please note the notice that has been published on the 22 May 2024. Any questions please contact the Managing Agent.

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Rules and regulation of the Amenity Land - Allotment Area

Please can all members of the Nocton Park community bereminded of the following long standing rule : that no personshould enter the individual plots on the allotment area of theamenity land without the authority of the Board of Directors ofNPML who have delegated the authority permission to the NoctonPark Allotment Association. Any attempt to enter individual plotswill be a breach of the formal land agreement between PeterSowerby Developments and NPML that all owners of propertyhave formal and contractually agreed through the covenant ontheir property they signed when it was purchased.This does not affect the concessionary right of way on the pathfrom the bridge, straight through the allotments area and ontothe public footpath through either gap in Anglian Water’s fence,or the concessionary right of way turning left from the bridgearound the edge of the Anglian Water compound, and down tojoin the public footpath at the gate.

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Service charge notices to PS Properties - clarification

The Board wishes to assure all PS Properties that the revised Service Charge notifications that went to all PS properties is for information only. For any PS Property that has paid in full early this year, the Board is currently reviewing the process to manage the overpayments. For any PS Property that pays by monthly instalments, the Board would recommend you leave the current payment rate as current and then cancel the payment after the September payment. Any questions at all - please contact the Managing Agent on enquiries@noctonpark.co.uk. Many thanks.

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Revised Service Charge for PS Properties following court decision

Following a decision by the Court following a claim by two individuals, NPML have sent out revised 2024 Service Charge notifications to all Peter Sowerby Properties. The Court found that the area currently leased to the Nocton Park Allotment Association should be reflected in the Service Charge for the Peter Sowerby Properties and it deemed that a 33% reduction in the service charge for the Peter Sowerby properties is appropriate. This will have a major impact on the finances of NPML and the Board is having to review the maintenance and investment plans for the amenity areas. The court decision was only for the PS Properties but a full statement to the shareholders will be sent out shortly.

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Tennis Courts - rubbish clear and dog waste

We wanted to update the community on the tennis court work. We have now cleared the tennis courts of the rubbish and detritus. This was undertaken by one of our directors in her own time. We have also replaced the tennis nets and hope that these can be looked after. We have found numerous examples of dog mess - we would please and firmly ask that no dogs are allowed on the courts as this creates a health hazard for the community for any mess.

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First cut of the grass by the new contractor

The new grass and tree contractor has started and undertaken the first full cut across the amenity areas. The first cut was not as short as some people hoped but we had to ensure that the grass wasn't damaged by the first cut of the season. We have arranged regular dates with the contractor and will do our best to keep up with the very quick growing grass across the spring, summer and autumn.

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Update on grass cutting

The Board wanted to update the Community on the start of the new grass cutting contract for 2024. The contractors are in today (26 March) and have started the specific works. They are also undertaking some minor tree work and so have agreed to come back this weekend to finish the grass work. We wanted the first cut to be careful not to damage grass and thus it will take a few cuts to get it to the right level without damaging the grass and weather dependant.

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Potholes on community roads in Nocton Park

The Board wanted to reassure the Community that we are currently seeking quotes from local contractors in regards to reviewing and fixing the potholes on some the community roads in Nocton Park. Once we know more we will ensure that the community is made aware.

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Grass Cutting 2024

The Board wish to give all the community an update of the grass cutting for the amenity and pathway areas for 2024. We had aimed to start the grass cutting last week but due the water logged grass and condition, it was felt that the cutting of the grass would then would damage the condition of the grass and it was pushed back. We can confirm that we are aiming to start the grass cutting next week (w/c 25 March) and then weather depending it is hoped it will be as regular was needed rising to fortnightly in the warmer months. Any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Managing Agent.

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New tennis nets

We have been able to replace the damaged tennis nets and will be arranging for the tennis courts to be fully swept and cleared in due course. Please can all the community be vigilant for any damage on the nets as the previous ones which were replaced had been vandalised unfortunately.

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New nets on the football goals

The Board wish to let the community aware that a new set of nets in the football goal posts. We are hoping that these are not damaged as he tennis nets were when replaced. If you see anyone damaging the nets, or see any damage please let our Managing Agent know so action can be taken. Please note that while the nets had to be paid for, the installation was done without any cost. Many thanks.

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Grass cutting on the estate

The Board wanted to update the community on the grass cutting for 2024. We have appointed a new contractor after a tender project and the new contractor will start the grass cuts in the next week hopefully. It was hoped that a first cut would be this week (w/c 04 March) but it was far too wet and would have damaged the grass. Please can we ask if there are comments on the grass cutting or any queries these are sent to our Managing Agent - not to the grass cutting contractor. This allows any issues to be managed properly. Many thanks.

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Warning to the person sending abusive and harassing emails

The Board wish to issue a formal warning to the person who has sent abusive and malicious emails through this website to the Board and Managing Agent. The abuse has been reported to the Police as well as the meta data of the person who accessed the website.

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